...Many other products are available to treat acne that a physician must prescribe. You'll need to discuss with your doctor what's right for you, because you'll need to determine what's right for your skin type, type of acne, and how severe your condition is. First, it's usually recommended that you try over-the-counter medications before you resort to a prescribed treatment. If you should decide to use a prescribed antibiotic or other treatment, this can lessen your need for over-the-counter and often harsh products, but sometimes they're necessary in order to clear up your condition. Your physician will discuss your condition with you and help you find what's best....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
«...This is very sound advice and not some new age thinking. I don't know anything about the science of how antioxidants or free radicals work. What I do know is that if you drink water in the amounts you should, then it will really help your acne. Drink at least 8 small glasses per day - enough so that your urine is clear or slightly yellow....»
Full Text: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
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